North Town focus on developing partnerships with private developers, businesses, state and federal agencies, non-profit and cultural organizations and neighborhood groups.
The Mission
North Town District development will enhance Salina's economy, quality of life and reputation for excellence.
The State of North Town
* Salina is a trading and retail hub center for Central Kansas.
* Retail sales have increased steadily over the past two decades. Salina has a positive pull factor (1.535).
* The North Town District is a gateway entrance into Salina.
* The North Town District has increased growth.
* Interest in developing commercial and residential properties is expanding in the North Town District.
* Stimulate redevelopment and revitalization.
* Support business attraction and retention.
* Support the development of Salina Downtown and the entire community.
Try Our Neighborhood
* Business Friendly
* Properties Available
* Tax Incentives
* Community Support
* Growing Housing Development
* Access to Transportation
* Collaborative Opportunities
* Low Crime Rate |
Through Unity We Strengthen Our Community
The North Town project is partialy funded with a grant from the Center for Engagement and Community Development, Kansas State University
the students and faculty at Kansas State Polytechnic, Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina Techincal College and The City of Salina
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