About Redevelopment
Redevelopment is a tool that can be used to bring new life in areas that needs rehabilitation. Redevelopement was created by state law to help cities and counties renew themselves. It infuses needed capital into these communites, empowering them to assume control of distressed areas to orchestrate their re-growth.
Agency Focus
The NSCD group focuses on developing partnerships with private developers, businesses, state and federal agencies, non-profit and cultural organizations and neighborhood groups in order to get the job done.
Works Actively
NSCD group works actively to stimulate commercial development and revitalization within the specified redevelopment project areas through business attraction and retention, job growth and creation of improvements to selected commercial and/or public land parcels and space.


NSCD Meeting
3rd Thursday of each month
GrandAvenue United Methodist Church
304 W. Grand Avenue
NSCD Officers
Barb Young, President
Barb Goode, Vice President
Abner Perney, Treasurer
Greg Stephens, Secretary
NSCD Board of Directors
Gary Hobbie
Barb Goode
Sandy Beverly
Greg Stephens
Joe Hill
Randy Lamer |
Will Copper
Barb Young
Karen Henderson
Gerrett Morris
Art Grover
Abner Perney